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Opencast lignite mine Rhineland

Opencast lignite mining is highly controversial in Germany. It has a significant impact on the environment, the landscape and the people in the region. It leads to resettlement, groundwater lowering, dust and noise emissions, soil loss and CO2 emissions. But what would have been the alternative in the last 100 years?
Opencast lignite mine Rhineland


The Lower Rhine

The Lower Rhine enchants with its vast gentle landscape in the west of North Rhine-Westphalia. Small streams, rivers, lakes, forests, meadows and fields characterize this unique habitat.
The Lower Rhine


Artificial intelligence, what does life mean?

Created entirely with artificial intelligence.
The human race originated on the African continent around five to six million years ago. The use of fire, the development of writing and laws, the spread of ideology and religion, the first machines, the humanistic and scientific enlightenment, the departure into space and the invention and further development of the computer are milestones in human history. Life is a concept defined by processes and interaction with the environment. Although there is still no agreement on which characteristics are necessary, the question arises as to whether we could have created life? Is artificial intelligence already as self-optimizing as leading personalities fear? If we become increasingly useless, we will abolish ourselves. Neuronal structures and quantum computers that perform incomprehensible arithmetic operations scare us. Humans as monitored and dependent creatures on algorithms, can that be our goal? Production processes can often already run largely autonomously, how far will we be able to influence further developments? It is still up to us how we will use this new technology. It's time to get to grips with it, because it has already begun.
A movie by Jens F. Walther
Artificial intelligence, what does life mean?


The world on the brink in the fifties

Created entirely with artificial intelligence.
At the beginning of the 1950s, the economic boom meant that middle-class families were better off than ever before. It was a time of social change and technological innovation. Consumerism and lifestyle had a high priority in everyday life. People could finally afford things and prosperity was growing. People had confidence in the future and believed in a better world. The white middle class in the conservative America of the time had fixed values and moral concepts and was firmly rooted in capitalism. Social disparities and the threat of nuclear war were suppressed and led to an embellished image of life in a threatened world on the brink of total destruction.
A movie by Jens F. Walther
The world on the brink in the fifties


What does hell look like?

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
What does hell look like?


What did paradise look like?

It was in the days when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and there was no man to till the ground. Then the Lord God made man from the soil of the field and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And so man became a living being. And the Lord God made a woman from the rib that he took from the man and brought her to him. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "You may eat of every tree of the garden, but you shall not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
What did paradise look like?


Epikur II feat. natjamesworld, ProjectFinalAudio, EmeraldEnvyy - Lucid

Epikur II feat. natjamesworld, ProjectFinalAudio, EmeraldEnvyy - Lucid
Composed by Jens F. Walther and The Crew
From the album ADDICTED
Directed by Jens F. Walther